CommitteesCommittee terms are July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025, unless otherwise noted. Executive CommitteeChair(s)
Gina Ricard, PresidentMembers
Ryan Philpot, President-Elect
Misty Carlson, Treasurer
Suhey Tuckler, Secretary
Jose Lammoglia, Senior Delegate
Glenn Milano, Junior Delegate
Devin Krecl, Executive Director (consultant)
Audit CommitteeAUDIT COMMITTEE is made up of the President-Elect (in even numbered years), Past President (in odd numbered years), Treasurer, region directors from even numbered Regions during even numbered years and odd numbered regions during odd numbered years. The Society’s Executive Director may serve as a consultant to this committee. The Audit Committee shall review the year-end financial statements and report to the Board their satisfaction with audit results. Ryan Philpot – Chair Budget CommitteeBUDGET COMMITTEE is comprised of the Treasurer, Executive Director, and President to fulfill its obligation of preparing an annual Budget for the FSRC. The Budget should be approved at the first quarter board meeting and be inclusive of all expenses and income of the FSRC. Input from the various committees needing funding will be solicited or be based on historical data. Glenn Milano Ryan Philpot Gina Ricard Bylaws Committee (includes Policy & Procedures)BYLAWS COMMITTEE shall be co-chaired by the two (2) Delegates to the AARC. This committee shall serve as caretaker of the FSRC bylaws and policy and procedures. This Committee shall be responsible for performing an annual review of the Policy and Procedure manual as well as reviewing and processing amendments to the Policy and Procedure Manual and the FSRC Bylaws. Jose Lammoglia, Co-chairGlenn Milano, Co-chair Misty Carlson Tom Fuhrman Jon Inkrott Ryan Philpot Gina Ricard Suhey Tuckler Education CommitteeEDUCATION COMMITTEE shall provide liaisons to the FSRC partnered programs such as River City Symposium. It shall serve as a resource to region directors for the development and staging of local Blitz and other educational offerings. Likewise, it shall provide oversight for all education offerings sponsored, co-sponsored or partnered with the FSRC. This oversight will include assuring that all programs and self-study offerings whether sponsored, co-sponsored or partnered with the FSRC comply with all Board of Respiratory Care continuing education rules and regulations. A standard budget shall be submitted to the Board for approval prior to all FSRC sponsored seminars and fundraising events which incur expenses to the FSRC. They will also work with the student committee on School liaisons to provide resources. This committee will also work with the Florida chapters of HOSA to educate middle and high school students about the respiratory care profession. Shana Kent Smith – Co-chairCrystal Lemelin – Co-chair Grace Bennetsen Joe Bernardo Wanda Donham Contessa Dorsey Valerie Duvra Camryn Gulash Pamela Houston Joseph Khayat Adrianne Kowalski Michelle Lee Gene Macogay Scott Miller Daniel Phelps Micheline Plantada Justin Posey Frank Pupo Patty Resnik Shanika Roach Sarah Schwartz Silvia Szeliga Shannen Walsh Elections and Nominations CommitteeELECTIONS/NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE shall prepare and submit to the Board a list of nominees for FSRC Officers and region directors by each year. This Executive Office shall email, collect, and tabulate the ballots and report the results to the Committee Chairperson. The Chairperson is responsible for reporting all election results to the President by the fastest means possible. Ryan Philpot – ChairJoseph Khayat Gene Macogay Scott Miller Historic PreservationHISTORICAL PRESERVATION COMMITTEE shall be chaired by the secretary who shall also serve as the Society Historian. This committee is responsible for preserving the history of the Florida Society for Respiratory Care; create and house a library and archive of related historical memorabilia, texts, photographs, and documents for future study. This committee also serves as a resource on the history of the FSRC and the Respiratory Care profession. Suhey Tuckler – ChairMisty Carlson Tom Fuhrman Jon Inkrott Tony Lammoglia Glenn Milano Ryan Philpot Gina Ricard Judicial CommitteeJUDICIAL COMMITTEE shall receive all formal written complaints against any member alleged to have violated our bylaws, articles of incorporation, policies, or procedures, or conduct contrary to the AARC Code of Ethics or conduct detrimental to the FSRC. This committee will then investigate those complaints and report their findings and recommendations to the Board. It is also responsible for conducting an annual audit of Officers, Directors, Delegates, and Committee Chairs to assure they continue to meet the qualifications for the positions held. Standing members of this committee will be a Delegate and the Current Parliamentarian. Tony Lammoglia, ChairTom Fuhrman Jon Inkrott Glenn Milano Legislative/PACT CommitteeLEGISLATIVE/POLITICAL ACTION CONTACT TEAM (PACT) COMMITTEE shall be chaired by the President-Elect (in even numbered years) or the Past President (in odd numbered years) and shall pursue such legislative activities as authorized by the Board. A Delegate will be a standing member. PACT is responsible for establishing a statewide response network to respond to political and legislative issues both nationally and within Florida. The FSRC PACT shall work closely with the AARC PACT to keep current on, and to monitor trends in the legislative environments which have, or may influence Respiratory Care practitioners, their patients, public health, and the FSRC. The FSRC PACT shall work in partnership with the FSRC Legislative Committee to seek and secure experts within our profession who may personally represent the FSRC, Respiratory Care practitioners, their patients and communities served before communities of interest (e.g., Board of Respiratory Care, Florida Legislature). Ryan Philpot – ChairToni Large – FSRC Lobbyist Marlena Butler Misty Carlson Anita Caban-Ruiz Wanda Donham Pamela Houston Tony Lammoglia Glenn Milano Justin Posey Patty Resnik Mike Reuther Gina Ricard Retricia Richardson Suhey Tuckler Membership CommitteeMEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE shall promote AARC and FSRC Active membership. They shall also recommend to the Board candidates for FSRC Life membership. A Delegate will be a standing member. This committee will be chaired by the secretary. Suhey Tuckler – ChairGrace Bennetsen Contessa Dorsey Shelby Medley Glenn Milano Program Committee(includes Sunshine State Seminar and River City Symposium)
PROGRAM COMMITTEE shall be chaired by a standing, appointed individual and co-chaired by the director of the Region in which the program is to be held. This committee is responsible for the planning, development, and staging of the Annual Sunshine Seminar and the Annual Business Meeting of the Society. A detailed income/expense budget for the Sunshine Seminar will be submitted to the Board for approval during the budget approval process the year before the seminar. Any unbudgeted expenses greater than $500.00 will need Board approval. Misty Carlson, Chair, Sunshine State Seminar
Joseph Khayat, Co-char, Sunshine State Seminar
Glenn Milano, Chair, River City Symposium
Shannen Walsh, Co-Chair, Sunshine State Seminar
Erika Davis
Tamay Johnson Montague
Shana Kent-Smith
Michelle Lee
Gene Macogay
Shelby Medley
Scott Miller
Micheline Plantada
Justin Posey
Rich Sobel
Silvia Szeliga
Publications and Communications CommitteeCOMMUNICATIONS/PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE is responsible for reviewing, revising and/or rejecting any information, bulletin, web post, announcement, notice, program, newsletter, advertisement, general mailing and/or other informational document in a timely manner prior to publication and based on FSRC standards. The committee is also responsible for the oversight of and all electronic posts to, the FSRC website and social media venues. The Executive Director will be a standing member of this committee. Misty Carlson – Chair Special Recognition CommitteeSPECIAL RECOGNITION COMMITTEE is responsible for seeking and obtaining special recognition from the AARC and other prestigious organizations for the FSRC and its outstanding contributors. Members of this committee should expect to serve multiple terms. A Delegate will be a standing member of this committee. Amanda Dexter, ChairTony Lammoglia, Co-Chair Crystal Lemelin Gene Macogay Scott Miller Rich Sobel Student CommitteeSTUDENT COMMITTEE is responsible to develop and grow relations with students and accredited RT programs in the state. It will be chaired by a student or newly Graduated practitioner to best meet the needs of student bodies. Camryn Gulash – ChairErika Davis – Mentor Shanika Roach – Mentor |